This needs to be a show
adult swim would take something like this. it usally has alot of original material. i can see it know.
This needs to be a show
adult swim would take something like this. it usally has alot of original material. i can see it know.
Dark comedy is the BEST comedy!!!! this was hularious!!!!
Pretty Good
i liked the way you did the animation, but i doubt furies are rapist killers. Not sure if you were joking or you actually hate furies, but what ever. As far as i know, let furies fuck however they want. Who am i to say whats wrong.
This explains why there hasn''t been any WGJ4K episodes lately, totally worth it. but try to get back to soon, m'kay =)
wait a second
i thought England had a one party political system, so wouldnt there be no left wing or right wing stuff?
good flash though
horrible animaiton
its kinda funny, but the animation for the mouths ruined it for me. but just my opiouon
fucking epic
this was fucking awesome. anyone who says otherwise should have a pair of balls stapled to their vagina.
you are awesome and funny! when is your next animaiton coming out? also, good job on winning the contest!
It comes out soon enough, man!
And thank you, I was really happy to show up as a finalist for the Halloween Spookfest! :D
i hate to admit it......
but this is what american politics has gone to. throwing bullshit at eachother than really worrieing about the issues.........
also, im not sure, but was this taken froma democratic view?
Nope; not on purpose at least. I'm sure both sides will rip in to one another like usual regardless.
I HAVE A NEW FAVROITE SERIES! even though this was kinda retareded
Joined on 5/9/10